
On planning fallacy


Have you ever experienced that what you promised and planned to do turns out to be more difficult than expected, takes more time, resources, energy, etc? "I'll get there! if there’s a will, there’s a way!" people with a more optimistic outlook claim. Those with a more realistic view of the world either protest quietly or openly, but they may not always be heard. Once the plan is made, half the goal seems to have been achieved - what's not to achieve?

Figure Baltic Advisory ICT sector survey in Latvia


ICT sector salaries increased in Latvia by 7,4% - slower than before.

Where to Find Information About Salaries and How to Evaluate It?


There are many sources where salary information is available. In Latvia, the largest salary database is published on the State Revenue Service (VID) website. Additionally, information can be found in job advertisements, and of course, a perennial source of information is the "word of mouth." Often, the data from these sources is very different, which can easily confuse job seekers. Why are there such discrepancies, and how can one evaluate the information available from each source?

Why public sector needs compensation survey?


We spoke to Mariel Kivi from the Estonian Ministry of Finance about why central compensation surveys are beneficial for the public sector

Employees Spend an Average of 13 Hours a Month Worrying About Money


In the public sphere and many companies in Latvia, there is a growing focus on employee well-being. However, without a clear understanding of what it truly means, this concept can be misinterpreted. It is important to recognize that an individual's well-being, or how we feel about our life, is composed of several components: career well-being (how much we enjoy our daily work), social well-being (having meaningful relationships with family, colleagues, and friends), financial well-being, physical well-being, and community well-being (how comfortable we feel in our living environment).