Team Analysis (Team Potential, Teamwork and Risks)

The purpose of the team analysis is to analyse the team as a whole and objectively assess its strengths and risk areas, as well as to enable a better understanding of self and each other, increase team cohesion, accelerate the development of cooperation and openness, and provide input on how to exploit the team's unrealised potential. The team analysis provides a solid foundation for meaningful team management. As a result of the team analysis, the team will gain ideas and tools to identify and realise its maximum potential.

What does a team analysis consist of?

Preparation: completion of the personality questionnaire, from which an individual team role orientation profile is generated for each team member.

Team analysis as a workshop: group task - getting to know teammates by solving a game scenario; team analysis based on team role profiles; analysis of the enabling and team inhibiting characteristics of the team; written summary of team members' strengths and development needs.

Follow-up: each team member can also be included in an individual development conversation with the coach, where the results of the individual profile can be discussed and the strengths and development areas can be focused on in relation to his/her role.

Henry G. Uriko

Henry G. Uriko
Consultant - leadership developer
+372 53 001 182