Bendradarbiaudama su Mercer LLC, „Figure Baltic Advisory“ Baltijos šalyse atlieka „Mercer Total Remuneration Survey“ (TRS) tyrimą. Tai tyrimas, vykdomas daugiau nei 140 šalyse remiantis bendra metodologija, kuri suteikia išsamią informaciją apie įvairias darbuotojams siūlomas atlygio sistemas.
The clients of TRS are above all the international corporations and those local organizations that also operate outside of Estonia.
By the help of Mercer TRS, Figure Baltic Advisory provides added value to the organizations that in addition to the local salary information need an international comparison as to the structures of the remuneration systems and the ability to use a universal job evaluation system and common methodology in comparing salary market across all their corporate organizations.
All the detailed information is available HERE